Probus Club of Chennai is a senior citizens Association of retired Professional. Businessmen, Government officials and others. This was initiated by Rotary Club of Madras as one of the activities as per Rotary International. This club was formed in 1992.Probus Club of Chennai has celebrated Silver jubilee in June 2017.

The club is an autonomous body, registered under Tami Nadu societies Act. The club operates within the provisions of the Bye-Law of the club, approved by the General Body and Registrar, Government of Tamil Nadu Registration Department. (Registration No. 148/2004)

The main activities of the club are as follows

  • Visiting old age homes/orphanages and help them financially and morally.
  • • Giving scholarships to deserving poor students of Corporation/Government/Govt. aided schools from the donation from Members and Public. These donations are eligible for 80 G concessions as per IT act. Donations are welcome from public from their Resident Bank Account in India or Non Resident Bank (NRO) Account in India. They can contact President Pn Panchalan K. Dr. (Email ID: panchalan@yahoo.com; Phone:+919445777600) or Secretary Pn Rajarampandian K (Email ID:rajaram_ek@yahoo.com; Phone:+917010421968)
  • Giving medical benefits which include supply of supportive utilities to the needy senior citizens from the Silver Jubilee endowment fund
  • Honouring senior citizens who have done contributions to the society.
  • Awarding best student and teacher on the Children’s day celebrations
  • Awarding persons who had helped to propagate Thirukkural
  • Awarding students who have excelled in Thirukkural in the competition organised by the Club
  • Motivating senior from public to show their talents in various games & competitions and honour them on the “International Day of The Elderly”.
  • Awarding outstanding women who contributed to the society
  • Fellowship among members by monthly breakfast meetings (Held on the fourth Saturdays of every month at Russian Centre for Science and Culture), tours (domestic, international, pilgrimage, picnics). Staging skits and plays etc.
  • In our monthly meetings, we invite a speaker from outside to address us on various subjects relevant to senior citizens. The club members are also invited to speak.
  • Probus Cultural and sports wing is a new activity and successfully staged two Tamil plays and one English skit.

Every year Probus Club of chennai will bring out our annual book and release it on the “International Day of The Elderly”. Every year we print 2000 books. Many senior citizens wait for this book every year as it contains articles of importance and information on old age homes (Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telengana, Maharashtra), blood banks, Hospitals, Pharmacy, etc.

The present strength of Probus Club of Chennai is 310 nos .of age group 50+. At present, a few members are of age 90+.

Russian Centre of Science and Culture, Kasturi Rangan, Road, Alwarpet, Chennai support us in providing hall/auditorium to have club’s monthly breakfast meetings and joint celebrations of “International day of the Elderly”,” International Women’s day” and “Children’s day”.


1 PF Panchalan K. Dr. President 94457 77600 panchalan@yahoo.com
2 Pn. Geetha Viswanathan. Vice President 90805 27227 viswageet@gmail.com
3 Pn. Annadhurai M. Vice President 80560 01101 annadhuraimk@gmail.com
4 Pn. Rajarampandian. K Secretary 70104 21968 rajaram_ek@yahoo.com
5 Pn. Keerthivanan. K. Dr. Joint Secretary 98844 56733, 73585 98848 drkerti123@gmail.com
6 Pn. Subbu Sundaram. S Joint Secretary (Charitable Funds) 98844 22112 annamassociates@yahoo.com
7 Pn. Pandurangan V.M., Treasurer 90430 30261 vmpandurangan@gmail.com
8 Pn. Balasubramanian. N EC Member 94440 16789 balasubramanian@rediffmail.com
9 Pn. Jayamani C. EC Member 94441 94369 cjayamani@gmail.com
10 Pn. Narendran C.C. EC Member 94448 33033 narenchand12@gmail.com
11 Pn. Ramachandran N. EC Member 98405 46854 ramachandran.n244@gmail.com
12 Pn. Ramaiah D.S. Dr. EC Member 76672 61027 dr.dsramaiah@gmail.com
13 Pn. Ramalingam K. Dr. EC Member 98406 20060 ramalingamtrust@gmail.com
14 Pn. Rangaramanujam K. EC Member 97907 58194
15 Pn. Sampath N.R. EC Member 99520 75946 nrsampath@gmail.com
16 Pn. Velumani S. EC Member 99620 12034 sithanvelumani0@gmail.com
17 Pn. Mohanam T. EC Member 82486 25277 mohanamt@gmail.com
18 Pn. Muthuswamy Prabhakar EC Member 97899 81971 prabhakar170252@yahoo.com

Probus club of chennai


    • Individual can donate Rs.15000/- or multiple of Rs.15000/- to this scheme.
    • The cheque should be in favour of “Probus Club of Chennai”
    • The scholarship can be given in the name of the donor or anyone (Father, Mother, Wife, Children, and Friend etc.)
    • These donations are eligible for 80 G concessions as per IT act. Donations are welcome from public from their Resident Bank Account in India or Non Resident Bank(NRI) Account in India. President
      Pn. Panchalan K.Dr. (Email ID: panchalan@yahoo.com; Phone::+919445777600) or Secretary Pn. Rajarampandian K
      (Email ID:rajaram_ek@yahoo.com; Phone::+917010421968)
    • The scholarship amount, after one year of the receipt of the donation, is given to a needy student, out of the interest from the deposit. This amount varies from Rs.800 to 1000 per year.
    • One time donation, every year, at the rate of Rs.1000 is also acceptable.
    • The distribution of the scholarship is done by end August or early September every year.

    Probus Club of Chennai helped Thakkar Baba School, T.Nagar, for purchase of machinery damaged during the floods in 2015. Vice-President of India, Mr.Venkaiya Naidu, honoured Probus Club for their benevolent act.

    Time to time, many Probians get recognition from various cultural and social organizations (including Government of India) for their contribution in their respective fields.


    Probus Club always considers to reduce the gap between senior citizen and school-going children by conducting 4 different functions, namely, Scholarship Disbursement, Children’s Day, Pongal Day and Distribution of SCAW (Courtesy Sleeping Children Around the World, Canada and Rotary Club of Ambattur ) Kits.


    Celebration of functions take place in two ways, first being done jointly with Russian Centre for Science & Culture and the second being done exclusively by Probus Club of Chennai alone.


    International Day of Elderly is held in the first week of October every year
    Children’s Day function is celebrated around 14th of November every year
    International Women’s Day is celebrated around 7th of March every year


    Scholarship Disbursement function is always held during the last week of August every year.
    Madras week is celebrated in the 4th week of August every year
    Probus Cultural event is held in the 4th week of December every year
    Pongal Day is celebrated in the 3rd week of January every year
    Annual General Body Meeting is held in May/June of every year


    This is a fellowship meeting held 4th Saturday of every month at Russian Centre of Science & Culture. Breakfast starts from 8.30 am and main meeting is from 10 am to 12 pm. Breakfast is normally sponsored by one or multiple members. Agenda for breakfast meeting is as follows,

    • Prayer
    • Homage paid, if anybody has passed away
    • President’s address
    • Announcements by Secretary
    • Issue of Life Membership Certificates to new members, if any, followed by a brief self-introduction
    • Wishing birthday babies of the current month. Members contribute to Sun Shine Fund
    • Introduction of speaker of the month
    • Speaker’s address
    • Vote of thanks by Secretary

      Admission Procedure

    • The person should be of age 50+ and retired from services or retiring shortly or businessman. Existing member should propose, after introducing the prospect to the President/Secretary.
    • The Annual Memberfor Annual Subscription is Rs.1000/-
    • Life member fee is Rs.10000/-
    • Probus Fellow fee is Rs.30000/- All Probus Fellows are permanent invitees for the Executive Committee Meetings.
    • Patron fee is Rs.100000/-. All patrons are permanent invitee for the Executive Committee Meetings.
    • Entrance fee for all categories is Rs.500/-
    • Corpus fund for Newsletter is to be deposited at the time of entry. At present the amount is Rs.500/-
    • Member ID Card fee is Rs.100.
    • Bye-law copy is Rs.100/-
    • Executive Committee’s decision is final in admitting any new member.
    • Important members to be contacted initially - R.T.Namasivayam (97899 74100); V.Balachander (99629 01964); N.Rammohan (98401 77555); GeethaViswanathan(9080527227); Raja Ram Pandian (7010421968); & M.Annadhurai (8056001101)
    • Webadmin & information: A.Damodaran(9444010284)

    Probus has 3 different kinds of endowments, namely, Scholarship Endowments, Silver Jubilee Medical Benefit Fund Endowments and other Specific Endowments.


    One unit of endowment is Rs.15000/- at present. The Interest, accrued after one year, from this endowment is given as scholarship to the needy school students


    • NAMED FUND: It is for the one-time donation of Rs.1,00,000/- and multiples. The beneficiary will be informed to the donor
    • GENERAL FUND: An amount of Rs.5000/- and above can be contributed. The beneficiaries will be published in the News Letter, as it is common to many donors


    Members can initiate specific endowments of minimum value of Rs.50000/- for specific use, such as, giving awards to students, senior citizen, differently abled etc.

    All the contributions for the above endowments are eligible for 80G concession as per IT Act.


    Procedure manual has been prepared and given below.